Flights from New York (NYC) to Milan (MXP)

Origin Airport

John F. Kennedy International Airport

Destination Airport

Airport - Milan Malpensa Airport

Airlines Flying

Air France, United, KLM, Lufthansa, Emirates


6467 km

Flight Duration

10 Hours 35 min

Book Cheap Flights from New York to Milan

If you've been seeking for the perfect occasion to get away, taking a flight from New York to Milan might be exactly what you need. If you've been daydreaming about a romantic vacation with your significant other, you've been itching for an exciting solo escape to one of the world's most fascinating destinations, or you're just looking to soak up some local history and culture, flights from New York City to Milan provide the ideal escape. With My Travel Mart, get the best and the low-cost flights from JFK to MXP at your fingertips. We have you covered no matter what kind of flight you're looking for—a nonstop flight, a round trip, or just a one-way ticket. 

Even if you've left it to the last minute to plan your vacation, you can still browse through our selection of flights between New York and Milan to discover one that piques your interest. If you take advantage of bargains offered by low-cost airlines, you will be able to put more money toward your vacation expenses.

Travel Information on flights from New York to Milan

High Season

April - June

Low Season

July - August

Tips for finding the best deals

  • Local airlines are not displayed on the majority of search engines' results pages. This occurs more frequently in isolated locations or on routes that are not frequently traveled.

  • If you are planning to fly to any of these locations, we recommend that you to connect with our travel agents to get the best price. After then, go to the website of the regional airline and look for any bargains or discounts that could be available. You will be able to save money by booking your flights using this information.

  • If your travel dates and location are both set in stone, we strongly recommend that you book your flight tickets as soon as possible. The reason for this is that the prices of plane tickets will only go up as the date of your trip gets closer, and there are very few exceptions to this rule.

  • You can make significant financial savings and put those funds toward other delightful activities if you buy your plane tickets in plenty of time in advance.

Frequently Asked Question?

Milan Malpensa Airport, Milan Bergamo Airport, and Milan Linate Airport are the three airports that serve the city of Milan

There are nonstop flights offered by Delta, Air France, and ITA Airways between New York and Milan.

February is often the month with the lowest airfare for flights between New York and Milan.

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