Flights from New York (JFK) to Los Angeles (LAX)

Origin Airport

John F. Kennedy International Airport

Destination Airport

Los Angeles International Airport

Airlines Flying

JetBlue, American, LATAM


2445 miles

Flight Duration

5 hours 20 minutes

Book Cheap Flights from New York to Los Angeles

Booking a flight from New York to Los Angeles at least 60 days in advance to save up to 23%. As your departure date approaches, the price may fluctuate and will certainly climb. New York travel is always exciting, but planning your trip for the optimal month will save you time and money. March is among the best months to fly between Los Angeles and New York.

Customers have learned that reserving a Tuesday departure is the greatest way to save up to 30 percent on travel expenses when compared to traveling on other days of the week with high demand on this route. In most cases, it is preferable to leave from New York to Los Angeles in the afternoon. As a result, you could save up to 10% on the flight price compared to midday flights, which are often more costly. 

Travel Information on flights from New York to Los Angeles

High Season

September to October

Low Season

January - March

Tips for finding the best deals

  • Passengers have discovered that booking a Tuesday departure is the best method to save up to 20% on airline costs compared to booking other days of the week with strong demand for this route.

  • When buying a flight 56 days in advance, travelers can save up to 36% compared to booking during the week of departure.

  • Due to a number of circumstances, you may spend extra when booking in June. Traveling to Los Angeles in February can be advantageous due to the low prices.

  • Flying from New York to Los Angeles in the afternoon is an easy strategy to reduce the price of your ticket. If you have the flexibility to do so, you can save up to 11% on your vacation over booking a ticket in the morning.

Frequently Asked Question?

The average flight time from New York to Los Angeles International is 6 hours and 14 minutes.

March is often the cheapest month to fly from New York to Los Angeles International.

After crunching the figures on our flight schedule, we found that the cheapest day to fly from New York to Los Angeles International Airport would be March 22, 2023.

JetBlue, American Airlines, and United offer nonstop service between New York and Los Angeles International.

As of February 2023, there are 1,439 weekly flights between New York and Los Angeles International Airport.

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