Flights from Miami (MIA) to New York (JFK)

Origin Airport

Miami International Airport

Destination Airport

John F. Kennedy International Airport

Airlines Flying

JetBlue, American, Frontier


1091 miles

Flight Duration

2 hours 54 min

Book Cheap Flights from Miami to New York

There are millions of passengers who book flights from Miami to New York everyday and has made it one of the busiest routes. The best way to grab cheap flights from Miami to New York is to book in advance. New York is a destination that needs words to justify how amazing it is for travel. Low-priced flights are available around the month from Miami to New York for budget-friendly travel. 

The best prices for flights from Miami to New York are always booked in February and March. And the best days that offer the cheapest fare online are Tuesdays and Wednesdays to book cheap flights from Miami to New York.

Travel Information on flights from Miami to New York

High Season

December to March

Low Season

June to August

Tips for finding the best deals

  • Prefer booking your flights on Tuesdays as it lets you save more. Weekends are heavily priced and in demand which raises the fare automatically.

  • When searching for cheap flights to New York, you must have seen the fluctuations in airline pricing. To ensure you grab a great deal on your next reservation, book a flight at least 40 days in advance to get the best price.

  • Afternoon flights are comparatively cheaper than early morning or late night flights to New York from Miami.

  • Jetblue is one of the most popular and preferred airlines that fly from Miami to New York. Flights from this route are typically cheaper if booked prior. All the last-minute flights with JetBlue airlines from Miami to New York will be higher in price.

Frequently Asked Question?

If you have booked a nonstop flight, the journey from Miami, FL to New York City will take a little under three hours. A layover or two might add at least seven hours to a journey.

When choosing how to get from Miami to New York, you should give some thought to flying Miami to New York LaGuardia, Miami to Newark, or Miami to New York John F. Kennedy International Airport because these are the most common and busiest routes.

Both Miami and New York City are popular tourist and business travel destinations, therefore flights between them occur regularly. There are early morning departures as well as options available later in the day.

On average, 22 flights depart from Miami towards New York City every single day. Morning (6am-Noon) (6am-Noon) - 82% of all flights that take off Evening (6 pm - Midnight) (6 pm - Midnight) -18% of all departures for flights

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