Flights from Houston (IAH) to Los Angeles (LAX)

Origin Airport

Bush Intercontinental Airport

Destination Airport

Los Angeles International Airport

Airlines Flying

American, United, Qatar


1547 miles

Flight Duration

3 hours 42 min

Book Cheap Flights from Houston to Los Angeles

To save money on your flight from Houston to Los Angeles, make your reservation at least 28 days in advance. Booking this flight around this time will save you approximately 49% compared to booking a flight departing this week. 

We found rates starting at $266 for flights departing within two weeks. Tickets for flights within the next 72 hours are available for as little as $366. Due to several variables, July bookings may incur a price increase. Traveling to Los Angeles in January can be advantageous due to the low prices. January flights from Houston to Los Angeles cost an average of $253, but can be found for as little as $85.

Travel Information on flights from Houston to Los Angeles

High Season

May to June

Low Season

October to January

Tips for finding the best deals

  • Book at least two weeks prior to departure to receive below-average pricing.

  • May, June, and July are regarded to be the peak season. January is the cheapest month to fly.

  • A morning flight is approximately 14% less expensive than an evening flight on average*

  • If you have flown with your pet to LAX and need a place for your pet to relieve themselves, the airport provides pet relief rooms available on the Airside. These accommodations are located in T3 and T6.

  • There are nine terminals at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), so it may take some time to reach your departure gate. In addition, a free shuttle bus circulates the airport every 10 minutes, stopping at each terminal.

Frequently Asked Question?

The lowest price that has been listed for a round-trip travel between George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) was $58.

There is not one standard set of terms and conditions that applies to all airlines. Visit our customer service portal in the event that you decide to call off your planned vacation

There are a lot of airlines out there that will let you rearrange your travel at no additional cost. You will only be responsible for paying the price difference between your original flight and your new one. You will find a filter labeled "no change fees" when you do a search for flights from Houston Airport to LAX.

The flight time between Houston Airport and Los Angeles International Airport is around 3 hours 42 minutes, making it an ideal opportunity to complete any necessary last-minute preparations.

1367 kilometers separate Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) from Houston Intercontinental Airport (IAH). You can pass the time more quickly if you listen to some music or complete the book you've been reading.

You'll be able to locate the ideal flight from George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in just a few simple clicks, as there is a wide selection of airlines from which to choose.

Those who put off their travel plans until the last minute may find themselves in luck, as the cheapest fares from IAH to LAX typically become available a few weeks before a flight is scheduled to depart.

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