Flights from Dallas (DFW) to Los Angeles (LAX)

Origin Airport

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport

Destination Airport

Los Angeles International Airport

Airlines Flying

Frontier Airlines, Spirit Airlines


1447 miles

Flight Duration

3 hours 35 min

Book Cheap Flights from Dallas to Los Angeles 

We discovered fares beginning at $266 for flights leaving within the next two weeks. Flights within the next 72 hours can be booked at the lowest price. Due to a number of variables, July reservations may suffer an increase in cost. January is an opportune time to visit Los Angeles due to the low prices. The average price of a flight from Dallas to Los Angeles in January is $250, but you may get them at discounted prices.

Make your Dallas to Los Angeles flight reservation at least 30 days in advance to save money. When compared to buying a flight departing this week, booking this flight at this time will save you roughly 49%. 

Travel Information on flights from Dallas to Los Angeles

High Season

May to June

Low Season

October through January

Tips for finding the best deals

  • *On average, a morning flight is 14% less expensive than an evening flight.

  • Reserve at least two weeks in advance to obtain below-average pricing.

  • May, June, and July are considered the busiest months. January is the most affordable month to fly

  • Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has nine terminals, so it may take some time to reach your departure gate. In addition, a free shuttle bus traverses the airport and stops at each terminal every 10 minutes.

  • If you have flown with your pet to LAX and require a place for your pet to defecate, the airport offers pet relief rooms on the Airside. These lodgings are located in Terminals 3 and 6.

Frequently Asked Question?

Flights from Dallas to Los Angeles International Airport typically take about three hours and twenty minutes to complete.

There are direct flights offered by American Airlines, Qatar Airways, and Southwest Airlines between Dallas and Los Angeles International Airport.

To confirm, yes there are direct flights that fly from Dallas to Los Angeles with a duration of 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Thursday flights are often the most affordable. Tuesday and Wednesday pricing are similarly favorable, but you may want to prepare a larger budget if you want to go over the weekend, as that is when prices are typically the highest.

On our website, you may begin comparing international tickets up to six months in advance. However, it depends on the airline, as not all airlines publish their pricing thus long in advance. According to our statistics, last-minute travelers can still score a deal, as some of the cheapest flights become available within 2 weeks before their travel dates.

There are 715 flights that take place per week between Dallas and Los Angeles International Airport as of January 2023.

April is often the month with the lowest airfare for flights between Dallas and Los Angeles International.

Yes, if you are traveling from Dallas, TX (DFW-Dallas-Fort Worth Intl.) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX-Los Angeles Intl. ), you will only need to remember one flight number. There are three airlines that provide direct services United Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and Delta Airlines.

Los Angeles' distinctive sights and sounds are at least 3 hours and 50 minutes away from Dallas. Secure your preferred seat, or even one with additional legroom, and travel to your destination in absolute comfort.

We were able to determine by analysing the data on our flight schedule that the day, Tuesday, April 11th, 2023, offers the best value for money for passengers looking to fly from Dallas to Los Angeles International Airport.

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