Get Special Assistance at Latam Airlines

How to contact Latam customer service for special assistance?

Do you need special assistance? Latam customer service is a team that provides important services that are useful for the trip. People need to inform the team in advance to get the necessary help with a pleasant, comfortable and safe experience. But the assistance depends on the type of service the customer requires and these customers must send the request 24 or 48 hours before the trip. The team of Latam customer service is always ready and willing to solve the queries of the passengers.

What are the cases to make an assistance request?

  • Physical, sensory or cognitive disability

  • Pregnant women, mothers with babies, senior citizens and people with reduced mobility

  • Wheelchairs

  • Walking sticks and other orthopaedic aids

  • Transporting medicines

  • Patients with diabetes

How do I request wheelchair assistance in Latam?

Passengers can request the wheelchairs by contacting Latam customer service at least 48 hours before the departure of the flight through the contact number. The Latam special assistance phone number is 1 866 435 9526 or 786-6232-893. This special service includes the transfer from the counter to the boarding gate or seat on the flight. Also, these people can be accompanied to the terminal exit of the destination. 

If you forget to inform about the special care in advance then the customer support team will do their best to deliver the assistance with the shortest possible waiting time at the airport.

Let’s discuss some processes to request special Assistance at Latam customer service.

Latam special assistance request through the website

  • Visit the official website of Latam Airlines.

  • Click the My Trips.

  • Now, enter your ticket details, such as PNR Number, last name, etc.

  • Find the option to request special assistance, add it, and submit the form.

Latam special assistance request through Live chat

  • Go to the official website.

  • Navigate to the Help section of Latam Airlines.

  • Find the “Contact US” option.

  • Get the chat icon on the right side, tap and ask your doubts or request special assistance.

Can I request special assistance at the airport?

Yes, it is possible to request special assistance at the airport. Simply, go to the Helpdesk where a customer executive is always there to listen to all the requests and provide immediate assistance. But we recommend the customers to request special assistance before arriving at the airport so that the airline gets enough time to arrange all the required facilities.

Is special assistance at the airport free?

The special assistance provided by the Latam customer service is free of charge and helps the passengers to have a less stressful journey onboard. But the request must be made 48 hours in advance. To get more information about Latam special assistance, contact the travel agents of Mytravelmart at 786-6232-893.


Can I request Latam's special assistance via Email?

Yes, you can send a request for special assistance using the official email address of Latam Airlines which is

How to request special assistance at Latam Airlines through a call?

Dial the Latam customer service number 1 866 435 9526 and get in touch with a real person to request special assistance.

Is it possible to request special assistance while booking a Latam ticket?

Yes, it is possible to request special assistance while reservation. You can use my trips on the website to make a special assistance request.

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