Call KLM phone number to make a reservation

How can I call KLM phone number to make a reservation?

Making a reservation with KLM Airlines might be difficult for many passengers who are booking their flight with KLM Airlines for the first time. So, for this, they can get help from customer service by calling KLM Airlines phone number 1 800 419 3044 or 786-6232-893. 

What is the KLM reservation phone number?

People can make an instant flight reservation via KLM phone number 1800 419 3044 or if there is any case in which they are unable to reach the given number then they may call the travel experts at 786-6232-893 and get an instant response from them. Other than this, people can also get quick and easy reversals related to any KLM flight-related query or flight booking issues through this KLM phone number.

How can I call the KLM phone number?

If you have decided to call the KLM phone number to get assistance regarding any issue or any service provided by Copa Airlines. You can connect with the KLM customer service and ask them to book your flight tickets. To get the KLM customer service phone number follow the given steps:

  • Visit the official website of KLM Airlines.

  • Go to the ‘Contact Us’ section and get the KLM phone number. 

  • Follow the IVR instructions that are provided by KLM Airlines.

  • Press 1 to make a new reservation.

  • Press 2 to manage your existing reservation. 

  • Press 3 to cancel your KLM booking. 

  • Press 5 to make a refund request.

  • Press 6 to speak to a KLM customer service agent. 

Following the above-mentioned information, people can easily get in touch with KLM customer service.

How to book flights from the KLM phone number?

People can book their KLM flight tickets via the KLM phone number, they can follow the given points: 

  • Go to the KLM Airlines website

  • Dial the KLM Airlines phone number after getting it from the website.

  • Press the desired key to book the flight tickets. 

  • Then, follow the automated instructions and book your KLM flight. 

If in case, KLM phone number does not work properly, then the passenger may use the official website to make a reservation on KLM Airlines. 

  • Enter the booking information such as the name of the city and the start and end dates of the trip.

  • Next, indicate how many passengers there are on the trip.

  • Choose the flight class. 

  • Then proceed with the online payment.

  • Get your e-ticket on your registered email ID.

Does KLM Airlines provide 24/7 support?

Questions, requests or special offers, get to know everything about KLM Airlines by calling KLM customer service 24/7 phone number which is always there to help every customer. People can get assistance to make a KLM booking from the KLM customer service round the clock, in ten languages and on the channel chosen by the passenger.

Can I talk to a live person via the KLM phone number?

To talk to a live person at KLM Airlines through KLM phone number, dial 1800 419 3044 or 786-6232-893 and get in touch with KLM customer service which is ready 24/7 to assist you regarding any matter. 

  • After dialling the KLM customer service phone number, choose your language.

  • Press 2 for existing KLM booking

  • Press 5 to share your concerns about any query

  • Press 6 to speak to a KLM customer service live agent.

How can I call the KLM US phone number?

Are you willing to call the KLM US phone number? Then you need to open the official website of KLM Airlines where you can easily find the KLM US phone number. Get the KLM phone number by using these steps:

  • Go to the KLM Airlines website.

  • Click the Contact Us section on the homepage. 

  • Call the KLM US phone number.

  • Choose the appropriate language in which you want to talk.

  • Then, choose the desired option after listening to the IVR instructions. 

Once you open the website you will see the KLM US phone number given below:

  • KLM Customer Service Line- +1 800 618 0104 (may charge higher issuing fees by phone) 

Languages- English, Spanish 

Opening hours- 8:00 am to 11:00 pm 

  • KLM Customer Service Line- 711-1-833-648-2068 (For people who are deaf and hard of hearing) 

Languages- English, Spanish 

Opening hours- 8:00 am to 11:00 pm 

Following this procedure, you can not only find the KLM US phone number but will come across country-specific KLM customer service phone numbers also which can help you to reach KLM customer service by residing in any part of the world. 

Calling the KLM phone number is the best way to contact KLM customer service and people living in any part of the world can easily get in touch with KLM customer service via KLM contact numbers as the airline provides different phone numbers for different countries making it easier for the customer to contact KLM Airlines. 


What does KLM Airlines stand for?

KLM Airlines stands for Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij. 

How do I contact KLM Netherlands?

To contact KLM Netherlands, dial +31-246-690-529 and get in touch with the KLM customer service agent. 

How do I contact KLM on WhatsApp?

Open The official website at and go to the contact page. To communicate through WhatsApp, access the secure link to this platform directly from the KLM official website.

What is the 24-hour rule for KLM?

According to the 24-hour rule for KLM Airlines, passengers are allowed to cancel or change their flight reservations within 24 hours of booking without any penalty.

Is KLM cancellation policy 24 hours?

Yes, KLM Airlines provides a 24-hour cancellation policy which enables the passengers to cancel their flight without paying any amount.

× Call Now: 786-6232-893